ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

Veranstaltungen - 10 Dez. 20

Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade | NGO Monitor Facebook

Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade | NGO Monitor Facebook

06:00 pm - 07:30 pm
Online via Facebook Live: On December 10, NGO Monitor will hold our annual conference, "Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade". The [...]
EU Rules on labeling of products from “Occupied Palestinian Territories”: Consumer protection or foreign policy?

EU Rules on labeling of products from “Occupied Palestinian Territories”: Consumer protection or foreign policy?

07:00 pm - 09:15 pm
European Union policy is that all the territory ‘outside the Green Line’ – including what is known as ‘East Jerusalem’ – does not belong to [...]


Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade | NGO Monitor Facebook

Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade | NGO Monitor Facebook

06:00 pm - 07:30 pm
Online via Facebook Live: On December 10, NGO Monitor will hold our annual conference, "Terror Leaders as Human Rights Activists - Exposing the Façade". The [...]
EU Rules on labeling of products from “Occupied Palestinian Territories”: Consumer protection or foreign policy?

EU Rules on labeling of products from “Occupied Palestinian Territories”: Consumer protection or foreign policy?

07:00 pm - 09:15 pm
European Union policy is that all the territory ‘outside the Green Line’ – including what is known as ‘East Jerusalem’ – does not belong to [...]

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