Veranstaltungen - 13 Mai 21

Sheikh Jarrah: The Property Dispute
“Sheikh Jarrah: The Property Dispute” With Prof. Avi Bell and Natasha Hausdorff. Arabs have rioted in Jerusalem and Israel has been blamed. A Jewish organisation [...]

From Riots on the Temple Mount to Rockets Over Tel Aviv, What is Really Happening In Israel?
FACEBOOK LIVE / ZOOM WEBINAR 18:00 UK / 13:00 EST / 20:00 Israel The Pinsker Centre, in association with its partners, is proud to host [...]

Warum gewonnen, warum verloren
In den Jahrzehnten vor der Staatsgründung glaubte in Europa niemand daran, dass auf dem Gebiet des alten Israel ein neuer jüdischer Staat entstehen könnte. Zu [...]

Invitation to Zoom on "MENA Jews and the Holocaust"
The 13th of May is the anniversary of the 1943 surrender of Axis forces in North Africa. Had Rommel won the Desert campaign, the millenial [...]

Sheikh Jarrah: The Property Dispute
“Sheikh Jarrah: The Property Dispute” With Prof. Avi Bell and Natasha Hausdorff. Arabs have rioted in Jerusalem and Israel has been blamed. A Jewish organisation [...]

From Riots on the Temple Mount to Rockets Over Tel Aviv, What is Really Happening In Israel?
FACEBOOK LIVE / ZOOM WEBINAR 18:00 UK / 13:00 EST / 20:00 Israel The Pinsker Centre, in association with its partners, is proud to host [...]

Warum gewonnen, warum verloren
In den Jahrzehnten vor der Staatsgründung glaubte in Europa niemand daran, dass auf dem Gebiet des alten Israel ein neuer jüdischer Staat entstehen könnte. Zu [...]

Invitation to Zoom on "MENA Jews and the Holocaust"
The 13th of May is the anniversary of the 1943 surrender of Axis forces in North Africa. Had Rommel won the Desert campaign, the millenial [...]