ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

„Alexa: what can be expected from Israeli Elections?“

"Alexa: what can be expected from Israeli Elections?"


06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
An assessment of the factors triggering this fifth round of voting in the past three and a half years.

Prof. Donna Robinson Divine

When: Tuesday, October 25 at 12:00 p.m. EST
Where: Online; join through your computer, tablet, smartphone or regular phone (instructions to follow)

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Prof. Donna Robinson Divine, the Morningstar Family Professor of Jewish Studies and Professor of Government, Emerita at Smith College.
At Smith College, Prof. Divine taught a variety of courses on Middle East Politics. Her publications include Women Living Change: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, essays from the Smith College Research Project on Women and Social Change; Politics and Society in Ottoman Palestine: The Arab Struggle for Survival and Power; Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israeli Conflict; and, Exiled in the Homeland: Zionism and the Return to Mandate Palestine. Named the Katharine Asher Engel lecturer at Smith College for the 2012-2013 academic year in recognition of her scholarly achievements, she was also designated as Smith’s Honored Professor for excellence in teaching.

Prof. Divine also served as the president of the Association for Israel Studies from 2017-2019 and is an affiliate professor at the University of Haifa. In 2019, she was named to the Algemeiner list of the top 100 people “positively influencing Jewish life.” She co-edited a special issue of the journal Israel Studies titled, Word Crimes: Reclaiming the Language of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict“ and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the Middle East and Africa.

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