Call for Application for the Sylke Tempel Fellowship 2023/2024
Sylke-Tempel-FellowshipIn the framework of the Sylke Tempel Fellowship, the German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation, in ccoperation with AJC Berlin, Bar-Ilan University, Internationale Politik, Women in international Security Deutschland –, awards fellowships grants of 3.000 Euro to young journalists, authors, bloggers, podcasters, Youtubers and other media creatives as well as students from Israel and Germany, who want to work on issues related to foreign policy in general, and the Israeli-German relations in particular.
The topic
This year’s Sylke Tempel Fellowship is dedicated to the topic „Values in Security Policy. From Military Strength to Feminist Foreign Policy“.
The program
The fellows are chosen in May 2023. During the research phase, we support the fellows through workshops on a regular basis. The research leads to the publication of an article in a special edition of the foreign policy journal IP (Internationale Politik) in German and English. The resesrch results will also be presented at a concluding conference in Berlin in June 2024. The costs for travel and accommodation for the conference in Berlin will be reimbursed.
Download the full call for applications for details on the program, this year’s topic and the application process.
Please apply until April 23.
You can find more information about the Sylke Tempel Fellowship, former fellows and recent publications on our website.
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