ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

Event in Berlin: Decentralization of the Grid and the Decarbonization of the Heavy Industry – An Israeli-German Perspective

Event in Berlin: Decentralization of the Grid and the Decarbonization of the Heavy Industry - An Israeli-German Perspective


04:00 pm - 08:00 pm


Mindspace Krausenstraße
Krausenstraße 9, Berlin, 10117

Decentralization of the Grid is one of the great transformations to be achieved for mastering the transition towards a decarbonized future. In this side-event we bring the Israeli mindset of Innovation to this important topic and discuss with leading Grid-Operators, Heavy Industry and Innovation Experts from Germany.

Israeli Innovation will be showcased at the event – Israeli startups and companies will be present in addition to our renowned key note speaker Dr. Nurit Gal.

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