ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

Hillel Neuer of U.N. Watch

Hillel Neuer of U.N. Watch


06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Please join us Wednesday, May 26th, as we welcome Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of @unwatch, for a presentation entitled On the Road to Durban IV: The UN, Human Rights and Israel. Please note that this conference will take place at 12:00 noon Eastern, as Mr. Neuer will be addressing us live from UN Watch headquarters in Geneva.
This event is free for Lord Reading members, free for law students and stagiaires, and $25 for non-members. Please note that you must register in advance. You can register for the lecture online at…/online-conference-with…/.
This event is being jointly presented by the Lord Reading Law Society and UN Watch Canada. We would like to thank Robinson Sheppard Shapiro for their generous sponsorship of the conference.
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