ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

Israel’s Outstanding Vaccination Campaign – Lessons to Learn

Israel's Outstanding Vaccination Campaign - Lessons to Learn


06:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Amos Harel
Senior defense & coronavirus pandemic
correspondent, Haaretz
Just three weeks after the first Israeli citizen received the COVID-19 vaccine, the country has raced ahead of the rest of world with a nation-wide vaccination roll-out, covering more than 22 percent of Israel’s population. While leaders around the world seek to emulate Israel’s extraordinary success, ELNET is launching a series of special briefings connecting Israeli experts with European decision-makers to showcase Israeli expertise in digital health and crisis management.
Amos Harel, who has been covering Israel’s coronavirus strategy along with defense issues for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, will join us to discuss how Israel became the world leader in vaccinating against COVID-19 and how this could further its geostrategic interests.
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