ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

Jewish-Israel Erasure in the Progressive Discourse

Jewish-Israel Erasure in the Progressive Discourse


05:00 pm - 09:00 pm
From the rise in political extremism to the threat of antisemitism and what the Reut Institute frames as ‘the Israel and Jewish erasure’.

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The Reut Institute is proud to host a virtual seminar on the challenges for Israel and Jewish communities within the current progressive discourse – from the rise in political extremism to the threat of antisemitism and what Reut frames as ‘the Israel and Jewish erasure’. Over 30 speakers from all over the world will address these pressing issues and present diverse perspectives and ground-breaking solutions.

Opening Plenary

05:00 PM

05:00 – 06:00 PM

Breakout 1: Rebuilding the center

06:00 PM

06:00 – 06:35 PM

Breakout 2: Community relations and prospects of engagement with minorities

06:00 – 06:35 PM

Breakout 3: Progressive antisemitism: best practices from the world

06:00 – 06:35 PM

Breakout 4: Engaging liberal and progressive circles during the conflict

06:35 PM

Breakout 5: Role of Emerging communities

06:35 – 07:10 PM

Breakout 6: The potential of the Abraham Accords to defeat extremism

06:35 – 07:10 PM

07:10 PM

07:10 – 08:00 PM
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