ILI News, Israeltag, Deutscher & Europäischer Israelkongress

The German-Israeli Cyber Conference

The German-Israeli Cyber Conference


02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Join us for a new edition of our “Innovation in Cybersecurity” conference series. Together with the Embassy of Israel in Germany and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, we are teaming up German and Israeli scientists, policy and business decision makers in a unique format. Top level speakers from academia, industry and government in Israel and Germany will share their views on innovation in cybersecurity.

  • Take a step back and look at the big picture of cyber threats.
  • Drill down into the cutting edge developments of cybersecurity.
  • Engage with experts who shape cybersecurity and discuss your perspectives.

From research to innovation

Cyberspace is a shark tank. Who are the sharks? How can academic research be transformed into powerful innovations? Which insights lead to the invention of tools that serve to protect privacy, industrial knowledge, integrity of the economy and stability of democracy? How can predators be prevented from attacking bank accounts, industries’ data banks and systems crucial to their very functioning?

From innovation to market

Which state-of-the art tools are there for software and networks to deploy higher integrity systems? Which vulnerabilities grow with digitalization across industries, home offices and customer relations?

CyberStar Award

The “Fraunhofer CyberStar Award” is part of Fraunhofer SIT’s policy which encourages strong bonds between Germany and Israel, as well as promoting applied cybersecurity research in Israel. The nominees have made significant contributions in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. Find out more about the CyberStar Award

. Come and celebrate the winners!


After the conference we will meet in breakout rooms and chat about cybersecurity and privacy topics.



Dr. Haya Shulman

Dr. Haya Shulman, Division Director Cybersecurity, Analytics and Defences at Fraunhofer SIT and Lead Principal Investigator at ATHENE.

H.E. Jeremy Nissim Issacharoff

H.E. Jeremy Nissim Issacharoff, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Germany

Arne Schönbohm

Arne Schönbohm, President, Federal Office for Information Security

Dr. Dorit Dor

VP Products, Check Point Software Technologies

Rami Efrati

Rami Efrati, Managing Partner at MSF Partners Innovation AG

Prof. Michael Waidner

Michael Waidner, Director, Fraunhofer SIT and National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE. Chair Professor for IT Security at the TU Darmstadt.

Dr. Susanne Wasum-Rainer

H.E. Dr. Susanne Wasum-Rainer,
German Ambassador to Israel

Yigal Unna

Yigal Unna, Director General, Israel National Cyber Directorate

Ortal Niv

Ortal Niv, Director Cyber Department, Ministry of Transportation, Israel

Dr. Ralf Schneider

Dr. Ralf Schneider, Group CIO, Allianz

Agenda of our virtual event

Introduction and Keynote

H.E. Jeremy Nissim Issacharoff
Ambassador of the State of Israel to Germany

H.E. Susanne Wasum-Rainer
Ambassador of Germany to Israel

Prof. Michael Waidner
Director, Fraunhofer SIT

Rami Efrati
Managing Partner at MSF Partners Innovation AG


From Research to Innovation

Rami Efrati
Managing Partner at MSF Partners Innovation AG

Dorit Dor
VP Product, Check Point Software Technologies

Prof. David Hay
Hebrew University in Jerusalem (tbc)

Dr. Haya Shulman
Division Director Cybersecurity, Analytics and Defences, Fraunhofer SIT


Delivering the Fraunhofer CyberStar Award
for Master thesis with major contribution in cybersecurity


From Innovation to Market

Dr. Ralf Schneider
Group CIO, Allianz

Arne Schönbohm
President, Federal Office for Information Security, Germany

Yigal Unna
Director General, National Cyber Directorate, Israel

Ortal Niv
Director Cyber Department, Ministry of Transportation, Israel

Delivering the Fraunhofer CyberStar Award
for PhD thesis with excellent contribution in cybersecurity


Wrap-up and off for networking



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